This chapter defines the family predictors correlated with the intelligence test scores of white or Negro children, and examines their relationship to IQ within demographic subgroups. Maternal education, defined as the number of years of formal schooling completed as reported by the mother, had mean values of 10 years among Negroes and 11 years among whites. The level of maternal education varied with socioeconomic status. During a prenatal interview, 87" of the white mothers and 62" of the Negro mothers reported that the expected child's father was living in the home. 4" of the white fathers and 1" of the Negro fathers were classified as having a history of mental illness. Sensory defects were reported in 0.9" of the white fathers and 0.4" of the Negro fathers. In most subgroups, IQs of children with retarded siblings were slightly lower than those of children with nonretarded sibs.