This chapter presents "science-inspired naturalism", "philosophical naturalism" and "religious naturalism"'. It focuses on to philosophical and religious alternatives to religious naturalism. For a science-inspired naturalism, reliable knowledge arises via experimentation, modeling and the like, and is discussed and evaluated by scientific colleagues; "the scientific forum". The chapter considers religious naturalism and some alternatives, beginning with naturalistic theism. There is a traditional way to articulate theism that avoids a confrontation with the natural sciences, and that is to emphasize the uniqueness of God's mode of being and activity. Atheism seems to be the default alternative for theism. There is more between heaven and earth than theism and atheism. Among those seem to be variants that are consistent with a science-inspired naturalism about the world. Both with respect to scientific insights, which are open to multiple interpretations, and with respect to more encompassing philosophical issues, there is a multitude of worldviews possible.