Ecstatic naturalism is a form of religious naturalism that has multiple roots. It is a form of naturalism because it affirms that nature is all that there is. The central themes that run through all forms of naturalism are that nature is all that there is and there is no supernatural realm. Ecstatic naturalism, with its deep pantheism, rules out any form of process panentheism. A brief discussion is in order since so many religious naturalists feel comfortable listing themselves as process thinkers. Ecstatic naturalism moves in an opposite direction from panentheism and its surprising non-naturalism. The method of ordinal psychoanalysis goes beyond the rigid patriarchal systems of the past to embrace the pre-Oedipal connection between the mother and child and its correlation to attachment theory. Ordinal psychoanalysis opens up the unconscious of the self and of nature in such a way that they can be further probed phenomenologically and, as always, be probed by phenomenology.