The 1989 Tiananmen Incident and the end of the Cold War together became a major turning point in Japan-China relations; the "1972 System" that had followed normalization of Japan-China relations began to change significantly. The Tiananmen Incident was a tremendous shock for the Japanese people. State Planning Commission Chairman Zou Jiahua visited Japan in January 1990 to restart the third ODA yen loan package that had been frozen following the Tiananmen Incident. Japan-China relations suddenly moved in a positive direction once Japan decided to lift the freeze on ODA to China. Relieved at China's direction, foreign enterprises suddenly increased their direct investment from this point on, becoming the catalyst for China's entry into an era of high economic growth. The primary reasons for opposing a visit were that China was an undemocratic state, as seen in the Tiananmen Incident, and that China would try and use the Emperor's visit politically at home and abroad.