This chapter shows that reading is a more intricate and relevant activity than may be imagined. The reading stages of the translation process can be broken down into: the commissioning or assignment stage; pre-translation reading; in-translation reading; post-translation reading. In a translation exam it is tempting, not surprisingly, to translate in a linear manner, one step at a time. Cross-referencing within the source text (ST) while translating helps candidates to avoid creating 'watertight compartments' and encourages a more informed treatment of the ST. A functional analysis of the ST helps the translator to: gain a holistic appreciation of the text, identify specific features that will play an important part in the translation process, and develop appropriate strategies for tackling challenges. The criteria used in the full analysis are as follows: subject matter, purpose, genre (text type), format, language (grammar and syntax), lexis and linguistic register, stylistic features, organization and logic, meaning, viewpoint, and culture and context.