Parent-Based Prevention is an intervention that incorporates a family-based approach to working with parents with eating disorders. This chapter outlines a key component of Phase Two of Parent-Based Prevention, which is the conjoint meeting. For dual-parent families, the second phase is composed of individual sessions with the parent with the eating disorder, and another session with both parents. The goal of this couple’s meeting is to assess whether the behavioral experiments the parents have been testing at home have been effective in promoting healthier eating habits in their child, fewer conflicts during mealtimes, more open communication, and a more positive body image. Since many adults with eating disorders report avoiding sharing with their partners the full extent of their parenting and individual difficulties, they may fail to benefit from spousal support. The therapist should emphasize to both parents that the partner is expected to be highly involved in implementing the changes at home and collaborating with the affected parent in their joint efforts to engineer greater psychological wellbeing in their children.