One of my boyhood heroes was my Uncle Don. He wasn’t actually an uncle by blood, but was my mother and father’s best friend. His wife, Aunt Betty, looked exactly like Glinda the Good Witch in The Wizard of Oz. I loved them. Uncle Don was a cop, and eventually he went from humble beginnings as a foot patrolman to a gold shield homicide detective in Nassau County, New York. I would sit entranced when he visited as he told stories of chasing down robbers (literally) and, of course, my favorite, questioning his suspects. “One thing you can count on is nothing is as it seems from the start. Only when you do a bit of digging can you reveal what is really going down. You’ve got to be one part cop, two parts priest, and five parts

shrink,” he observed. Well, our targets are hardly wrongdoers, but just as Uncle Don doesn’t think strictly like a cop when he is probing for the truth, nor should we think only as businesspeople when approaching the search for the hidden agenda.