I set out some time ago to develop a simple platform that had both a broad application outside of advertising and a firm grounding in Jungian thinking. Now, clearly, there is no precise science to these typologies, only their roots in the truths found in Jungian psychology and its implication for people’s tendencies and preferences. I found it necessary, as I began to work with an array of companies, to adopt a broader terminology than those found in other profiling systems. But I think my choice of names for typologies really has to do with my inveterate love of Broadway: I use “script,” “stage,” “cast,” and “marquee.” It’s fun, and we get to pick our favorite stars to describe folks we’re pitching to. Here are my type descriptions:

These are process people, detailed, thorough, and orderly. They enjoy the process and methodology as much as (and maybe more than?) the result. People who cherish what they create, they are inner-directed and logical, and they value facts, clarity, and that which is familiar. Script people are engaged through an unemotional sequence of logic and proof. As the detectives say, “Just the facts, ma’am!”