Many colleges are redefining and expanding their mission and goals from the top

down to ensure survival in economically challenging times. While the direction

may come from a hierarchical infrastructure, collaborative implementation of the

change is necessary. For truly successful redirection, the transformation requires

all vested parties to participate actively in growth and expansion within each step

of the process. The focus of this chapter is on the significant changes currently

underway within the University of Wisconsin (UW) System, specifically high -

lighting one particular campus: the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point

(UW-SP). State-mandated educational goals are directing the programmatic and

pedagogical changes within the UW System offerings, and the UW-SP campus

has embraced the opportunity to model a collaborative spirit of change. This

chapter will apply a framework of growth and change to developments currently

underway at UW-SP to create a new course aligning with a broader community

health education initiative. The growth is described in three phases: awakening,

pioneering, and transformation.