In the three previous chapters, I have detailed neurorhetorical analyses relative to particular media and using different topics of instruction in each case. In this chapter, I provide analyses of the same instructional topic presented using different media to show a comparative neurorhetorical analysis. That is, how do neurorhetorics play out relative to particular media when the topic and audience are the same? For these analyses, I have chosen the topic of web-design tutorials, specifically, those featuring Adobe Photoshop as the design tool. Instruction in web design is often included in technical communication coursework. However, how that instruction is delivered can vary with the various media available. The various media involved in the discussion in this chapter are print-linguistic instructions that include graphics, presented within a pdf file; a PowerPoint slide show; and a video that includes narration. The subjects of the analyses were found from searches conducted on the Internet on the topic of “web design, tutorials.” I refined that search term to include “video” or “PowerPoint” for selecting the particular products. Locating a PowerPoint slide show that included audio narration was challenging. None appeared in the first five pages of the search-result listing for the term that included “PowerPoint,” however, the one I chose to use appears not to be associated with a real-time presentation. Thus, we can assume that there would not be narration (though not digital) accompanying the slide show. I have received permission to use the products and images from the producer/author of each product. The analysis focuses on specific steps related to web design using Photoshop, and I take particular information-textual and graphic-from each product and consider how the particular medium facilitates neurorhetoric associated with those steps. Throughout, I compare and contrast the neurorhetoric relative to the affordances and constraints of the medium. As with the other chapters, the analysis focuses on applying the terms identified in Chapter 3 to a product.