This chapter responds to agitations occurring in qualitative research related to: the incompatability between methodologies and methods; the preponderance of methodocentrism; the pre-supposition of methods; a reliance on data modeled on knowability and visibility; the ongoing emplacement of settler futurity; and the dilemma of representation. Standard approaches to qualitative research conceive of methodologies as the theoretical orientation of research, and methods are the procedures by which empirical materials are collected and interpreted. While conventional qualitative methods, such as interviews, can be used on their own, more often researchers combine a number of approaches, including idiosyncratic experimental practices to generate both observed and ephemeral 'data'. In instrumentalizing walking as a method there is the presumption that walking is going to do something specific before the event occurs, and that walking is uniquely situated to discover and gather data. Feminists have critiqued the derive's tactics for producing a tourist gaze that perpetuates a separation between observer and observed.