A total of 69 seniors from a suburban federally sub-

80 sidized apartment building (occupancy = 278) were recruited for this study. We did not assign the seniors to groups, but rather let them choose according to their interests, as we felt we could not ethically deny program membership to any interested senior. Of the 69

85 seniors, 27 seniors enrolled in both the intergenerational e-mail pen-pal and visiting programs, 11 in the intergenerational e-mail pen-pal program only, 4 in the intergenerational visiting program only, and 27 seniors participated in neither program and served as a control

90 group. Since the visiting program only group consisted of only 4 seniors, this group was excluded from statistical analyses; however, we have presented mean and percentage data from those in the visiting program only group throughout this paper in order to allow for pre-

95 liminary comparisons with the other 3 groups.