Data: The descriptive statistics are shown below. Note that a higher mean indicates more comfort.

Descriptive statistics on comfort in working with persons with epilepsy: For 68 men: M= 2.68, SD = 1.11 For 78 women: M= 3.03, SD = 1.33

Descriptive statistics on comfort in working with persons who are amputees: For68men: M=3.32,SD= 1.14 For 78 women: M= 3.58, SD = 1.16

Calculations: Your textbook may present a formula for t that requires you to work with the scores of individuals. The formula shown here permits you to calculate t using means, standard deviations, and number of cases:


3. What is the observed value oft for the difference between the means for men and women on comfort in working with persons with epilepsy?