Over the past 10 years, firms, government, and the public have increasingly focused

on measurement tools to assess the environmental aspects of sustainability. While

there are numerous lists of environmental performance indicators (see, for example,

International Organizations for Standardization’s ISO 14301, Global Reporting

Initiative, and World Business Council for Sustainable Development), these lists

provide little insight into how firms might revise the indicators they currently

have to more accurately measure sustainability. The Lowell Center for Sustainable

Production at the University of Massachusetts Lowell has developed a tool to

enable companies to evaluate the effectiveness of sustainability indicator systems.

The tool includes a framework that consists of five levels for categorizing existing

indicators relative to the basic principles of sustainability. The purpose of the

framework is not to rank indicators as better or worse but rather to provide a method

to evaluate the ability of a set of indicators to inform decision-making and measure

progress toward more sustainable systems of production. In its current state, the

framework focuses on environmental, health, and safety aspects of production. Work

is underway to expand it to include social and economic aspects.