Professor Cop Dr. Antoon Leenaars’ On the Suicidal Mind “Constriction of Conscience: The person is figuratively ‘intoxicated’ or ‘drugged’ by the constriction; the intoxication can be seen in emotions, logic, and perception. This constriction is one of the most dangerous aspects of the suicidal mind. . . . Doc Dan is it not true in reading the primer to your guide on Terrorism as Complex Trauma Syndromes and your conceptualization of the Terrorist mind, you’re presenting a very important dimension by adding ‘constriction of consciousnesses alongside your concept of the gods with a small “‘g”?’ Further you are stating that willing closet narcissists are the terrorist’s cells who surrender too their ‘twilight of their Idols’ as you allude to the power of Nietzsche’s warning. It is apparent your inclusion includes our society as well in America, Canada, EU, and United Kingdom where the shroud of PC endeavors and linear thinking by our colleagues as scientists includes psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health professionals. Are you saying in which I would agree and have witnessed as well, that those who surrender their critical thinking abilities to this mind set and the gods with a small ‘g’—also aid and support terrorist mind sets as well as suicide by another means of constricted consciousness?” (Dr. Dan Rudofossi expresses in synchrony). Your inner sight is as near perfectly imperfect as a humane being can achieve in focusing on hammering the nail shut on the pall of the slow disintegration of the intellect and soul within-that frees the artful expression of the mind without. In fact, as we discussed, science not excluded as a method which envelopes a humane endeavor with a civil and collegial power

only holds that strength-when it is not forceful and closed in mind and view: The existential plates are as important as the tectonic in achieving balanceif unnatural force is imploded on any edifice erected, it will be replaced with even more force in natural upheavals. In other words you, I, and beings that are humane-endeavor imperfectly to uphold the values and ownership of Civilization. Civilization dies when each hero within dies by succumbing to the mask misplaced and fixed on what is irreplaceable and unique. Any community of individuals including scientists: applied both/and theoretical, that conspire to make social what is at once private and in another dimension public need sense what is sensible and sacred within, respectful of the myths to live by without Coercive force. Without that freedom of expression and ownership, my dear Professor Cop Doc Antoon Leenaars, the constriction of consciousness, options, and freedom of thought from without is nothing short of a terrorist mind, and as you have shared on occasions of our dialogues for prosperity, ‘homicide-suicidal mindsets.’ I would suggest we resonate on saying in many cases on surrendering oneself to a cause outside oneself with a fervor of selflessness, one dwells in nothingness. For without a sense of ego or self, one only has the reflection of others, and one becomes nothing in blind obedience to another group, person, ideology, leader, or state. That being so, existential death may come decades before the final physical demise. Physical death is the final shroud in perfect cadence with the ordered formation of death and its denial decades before its reality grabs life’s promise away” (A. Leenaars, personal communication, 2011).