Fish provides the essential nourishment, quality proteins and fats, vitamins and minerals. The Value addition for fishery products is different from the other food items. For fishery products, the most important value addition is in the freshness, or even more importantly in supplying the fish alive for the high value live fish market. A wide range of diversified fishery products in live, chilled, frozen, heat sterilized, dried, salted, smoked, fermented and combinations of these processes have entered the market to meet the consumers demand. Thermal sterilization is one of the most efficient methods of food preservation widely practiced worldwide. Fermented fish pastes and sauces have a much more important place in the daily diet of many North East Indian states and South East Asian countries. A wide variety of specialty products produced and consumed in different countries, which include, fish based products like mince, surimi, balls, cutlets, fingers, patties, burger, coated products and many imitation products.