The following pages are excerpted with slight alteration from the introductory volume of my book, Aldhelmi Malmesbiriensis Pros a de virginitate cum glosa latina at que anglosaxonica. 1 The preceding sections of my introduction identify dozens of glossing layers chiefly in Anglo-Saxon manuscripts of Aldhelm's popular treatise, and trace the development of each layer from one source to the next. Sometimes it is possible to theorize a lost manuscript whose glosses were intermediate to those in extant copies. A corpus of about 60,000 glosses to the Prosa de virginitate (Pdv) obviously developed over generations, but a collation of these glosses reveals a few hundred common to six manuscripts (and sometimes as many as ten) with connections to Canterbury. I propose that this stratum of glosses, which I call the 'Common Recension', represents the earliest record for the study of Aldhelm's Pdv and the first evidence of scholarship on a native English author.