In the tenth month of 783, Tang Dezong, was rudely ousted from his capital by Zhu Ci, Changan resident rebel who had eagerly accepted the leadership of frontier troops, their rancor over mean treatment during a capital stopover blossomed into mutiny. Dezong reached Fengtian on the fourth day of the tenth month and was followed in a few days by rebel forces. While Fa-jiari's construction proceeded, Zhu Ci mounted almost continual assaults on the Fengtian city wall, repeatedly turned back by imperial forces led by Hun Zhen and other spirited and resourceful officers. The siege continued as attacks came day and night, and supplies ran dangerously low. Most sources say that Li Huaiguang the very next day defeated rebel forces close by at Liquan, and on hearing of the battle, Zhu Ci lifted the siege of Fengtian and went back to Changan.