What Marx demands, the union of theory and practice, forms the core of Kierkegaard's existential philosophy. For much of philosophy in Canada until about 1925 functioned as a defense of religious orthodoxy. The first of the 33 doctoral theses, produced in 1944, focused its investigation on the concept of individuality in Kierkegaard's thought. Canadian scholars tend to be subdued and conservative in their research and to take optimal time in deciding when to publish. a tendency in the 1970s among a new generation of scholars in Canada helping to shape the fast emerging field of the academic study of religion, was to emphasize a scientific approach, akin to Religionswissenschaft as opposed to Glaubenswissenschaft. International conferences provide a forum for Canadian Kierkegaard scholars to disseminate and discuss their research work. Canada's reception of Kierkegaard is evidenced also by contributions to scholarship at the international level, thus making his ideas more readily accessible to a wider scholarly community.