Salvation (Frelse-noun); Eternal (evig-adjective); Happiness (Salighed-noun; Lyksalighed-noun; Lykke-noun)

The lexical meaning of Frelse, from the Old Norse frelsi, frjálsi, is personal freedom, being safe, being helped or saved as well as salvation, release, and deliverance.1 Evig, from the Old Danish evig and Middle High German ewich, can refer to a whole lifetime or to something imperishable and everlasting, without beginning or end. It also has the meaning of being present, long, incessant, or endless.2 The term Salighed, from the Old Danish salighet, Middle Low German salicheit, and the German Seligkeit, may mean well-being, comfort, safety, happiness, bliss, blessedness, salvation, immortality, eternal life, being well-pleasing to God, and taking part in his kingdom.3 In English, evig Salighed is usually translated “eternal happiness,” although “eternal salvation” is also used.4