The theological locus of Clark Pinnock, a Canadian professor of theology emeritus, is found in the so-called Evangelicalism of the English-speaking world. Pinnock's open-minded evangelical theology of religions is based on truly trinitarian foundations: Open theism; Christology; and full-blown pneumatology. Open theism has challenged the traditional view of God as immutable and uninvolved with the happenings of the world. Christology regards Christ as the norm but not as exclusive of other ways of connecting with God. Full-blown pneumatology depicts the work of the Spirit in cosmic terms. The main task of Pinnock's theology of religions is to try to avoid these two perils: one is to say dogmatically that all will be saved (universalism), and the other is to say that only a few will be. Pinnock has not yet produced a full-scale work on the Trinity even though his theology has a definite trinitarian shape.