In this chapter we will consider the application of the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) to training design and training management. The concept of TQM has been influential in manufacturing for many years and has started to take hold in the service industries. Training clearly falls into this latter category. Through our examination of TQM we will be developing a model of a training system which is constantly renewing itself~ perpetual training design. We will look at the how existing models of TQM apply to training and see what systems we need to have in place in order to achieve our goal. We will also look at some of the weaknesses in the TQM model that we need to be aware of. In so doing, we will be revisiting some of the themes of earlier chapters. Finally, we will look at some initiatives in performance monitoring that may be of use to us in the future. At the end of this chapter you will have:

• Considered the application of a TQM model to the training process. • Identified some structures needed to support the TQM principles. • Considered some weaknesses in the TQM model. • Evaluated recent training initiatives in terms of TQM.