When you was out of work you drew the dole. And, irrespective of how many years you’d worked, you only drew this benefit for so many weeks and then you was automatically cut off. Your next thing to try and raise some money was Means Test. If you were lucky you’d get a piece of paper which would entitle you to get groceries to the tune of whatever they allocated you. But you wasn’t always lucky. When you were trying to get this piece of paper, the chappie would come round from the office, wherever it was manipulated from, and come into your home. You might have a gramophone or something like that. He’d say, ‘That’s a luxury, that. You could do without it. Is furniture paid for? Is this?’ And they went thoroughly and embarrassingly right into the whole business. It was so sickening that a lot of people wouldn’t suffer it. They’d rather be hungry.