St Nicetas (NÈ΋ٷ˜, Serbian Nikita) was a soldier, Gothic by race, who lived in the latter half of the fifth century.1 The Gothic forces, who were encamped on the Danube, were divided among themselves on religious matters, but the pagans were predominant. Nicetas was a member of the Orthodox minority. He made friends with a certain Marianus from Mopsuestia, ‘M·ÚÈ·Ófi˜ … Ê›ÏÔ˜ Á¤ÁÔÓÂÓ ÙÔÜ êÁ›Ô˘ Ì¿ÚÙ˘ÚÔ˘ NÈ΋ٷ’. When Nicetas professed his faith openly, he was sentenced and burnt to death. Marianus took charge of his bodily remains, which he translated to Mopsuestia. There a sanctuary was built in which they were deposed.