This chapter introduces 'the Roma' as the subjects of Romani activism as well as both the history and anatomy of global Romani activism, presenting the actors involved, their political manifestos and ideological orientations, and goals and strategies. 'Roma' is a political term used as an umbrella name for all members of the Romani ethnic community. Its usage in political and, sometimes, academic discourse demonstrates a strong tendency towards treating the extremely ethnographically diverse Romani community or communities as a largely homogeneous group, overshadowing the various appellations preferred by the individual groups and subgroups. Some of the crafters of Romani nationalist history argue that the roots of Romani activism date from the end of the nineteenth century, with early Romani attempts at institutionalizing their activities in the form of a regularly meeting permanent body, as well as ad hoc conferences. The International Romani Union's (IRU's) lasting declared goals are perhaps best reflected in the purposes of the IRU and Congress commissions.