This chapter examines the UN configuration of power in relation to the Romani activists' allies, while also detailing the activists' interventions at the UN for which allies were sought. It introduces the third political opportunity structure (POS) dimension –the configuration of power and structure of political alliances within the UN system. The chapter analyses the activists' oral and written interventions at the UN to determine whether links exist between these and the UN agenda-setting and discursive developments that relate to Roma. It then analyses the alliances that the activists built to promote their goals at the UN, both through the interventions. The utilizations of all the components of the configuration of power by Romani activists are now illustrated with individual cases of intervention. Romani activists targeted most of their interventions at the Subcommission and, to a lesser extent, the Commission, Working Group on Protection of National Minorities (WGPM) and Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD).