The industrial geography of the book in France, 1865. (Department of Rhone not included.) (A) Number of book workers per deparunent (black = 200+; grey = 100-199; white = <100). (B) Number of steam engines used in printing shops (black = 20+; grey = 1-19; white = 0) (C) Number of workers per printing shop (black = 100+; grey = lO-lOO; white = <lO) (D) Printing shops in the Departement du Nord 1855-1856. (I) Dunkerque; (2) Bergues; (3) Cassel; (4) Hazebrouck; (5) Bailleul; (6) Armentieres; (7) Tourcoing; (8) Wazemmes; (9) Lille; (IQ) Roubaix; (n) Douai; (12) St. Amand-les-Eaux; (13) Anzin; (I4) Valenciennes; (15) Cambrai; (16) Le Cateau; (17) Le Quesnoy; (18) Maubeuge; (19) Avesnes



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NOTES 1. Noteworthy are the works of Robert Escarpit (see the bibliography in L'Ecrit et

la communication, Paris, 1973) and Marshal! MacLuhan, La galaxie Gutenberg (Montreal, 1967).