If, in its first stage, the printed formula adjusted itself to the poetic form, one finds subsequently a reverse movement. The first repertoire of printed romances, that of the romances viejos, resulted from the choice made by publishers during the first half of the sixteenth century within the corpus of

. pages of errata added at the end of the book). The role of copy editors and proofreaders in the graphic and orthographic

A second problem: that of the reasons and mechanisms thar convey attempts at the restoration of the punctuation marks of oralisation during the eighteenth century. The case of Benjamin Franklin would be, from this point of view, exemplary. By imagining the diverse devices that would allow one to uphold the role of the public orator in the midst of a dispersed population, Franklin strives to reconcile the new definition of public and political space, which has the dimensions of a vast republic, with the traditional forcefulness


Orality Lost