Ottomanno incremento e decremento del medesimo/L'Etat militaire de I'Empire ottoman, ses progres et sa decadence (The Hague-Amsterdam: 1732), p. 40; Gyula Kaldy-Nagy, "Beginnings of the Arabic-Letter Printing in the Muslim World," in Gyula Kaldy-Nagy (ed.), The Muslim East, Studies in Honour of Julius Germann, Lor and Eotvos (Budapest: Lorand Eotvos University, 1974), pp. 204-205; Ismet Binark, "Tiirkiye'ye Matbaamn Gee Giri§inin Sebepleri Uzerine" [On the reasons for the late introduction of printing to Turkey], TurkKulturu 65 (1968), pp. 295-304.