In the first half of the thirteenth century, Don Rodrigo Jimenez de Radano doubt reflecting previous Muslim tradition-wrote that Calatayud was founded by Ayyiib, to whom the city owed its name. Ayyiib ibn ljabib alLakhmi was a tiibi' (follower and disciple of the Companions of the Prophet)

Cities Founded by the Muslims in al-Andalus 5

6 Leopolda Torres Balbas

An audacious move allowed the ever-rebellious Toledans, under the command of the Mozarab Suintila, to occupy Calatrava, which had been evacuated by the Muslims and had had its defences dismantled. The response was the rapid dispatch of an expedition from Cordoba against Toledo in the summer of 239/853 led by the prince al-l:lakam, brother of the reigning emir Mu~ammad. Upon their arrival in Calatrava, they found the city abandoned. Al-ijakam ordered the fortifications rebuilt and obliged the inhabitants, who had fled following the Toledans' assault, to return to their houses. The reconstruction work was completed two years later in 241/855. A strong garrison was left in the re-populated city.16