Florence Sunday 18 April Sunday morning at V2 past 7 left Arezzo – the road continued along the same plain, every yard of which was covered with wheat & vines – the hill sides bearing olives – the vines are trained upon elm-trees which are lopped into an uniform cup shape – being Sunday all agricultural labor was rigidly suspended, & the shops were every where closed – saw crowds of people in all the towns & villages through which we passed – the appearance of the population generally superior to that of the inhabitants of the Neapolitan & Roman states – few beggars, few rags, few soldiers, few priests – the countenances & dress of the people unlike Italians — lighter complexions, rounder faces – & the costume consisted generally of round jackets for the men, made of fustian & gay printed gowns for the women – many of the latter wore a man’s hat like the Welsh – as we proceeded towards Florence, everything improved – the face of the Country was like continued wheat field, interspersed with vines – the hedges & walls on the road side carefully kept – the population still better clothed, & fewer beggars. The landscape from an eminence presented an animated scene, innumerable farm houses scattered over the country, looking clear & substantial, & giving an idea of great comfort & prosperity. The pigs appeared however a very inferior breed, as did also the sheep. I scarcely saw any oxen. Reached Florence at V2 past 6.