This chapter focuses on the aspects of the Groupement d'Interet Economique (GIE) from the formation of Airbus. It addresses the need for change and the position in forming the new Single Corporate Entity (SCE). The Airbus business was formed in 1970 around a GIE. This is a French legal partnership structure which is used generally for much smaller business ventures to combine together the partners' resource capabilities but to leave control of those resources with the individual partners. Airbus' credibility grew after the 1978 Eastern Airlines order and the confidence helped the A310 launch with a longer range than the A300B but a slightly lower capacity. Airbus in the 21st century will need much more commercial investment finance and global strategic partners. Airbus will also need improved access to the strengths of a combined European military aerospace business, rather belatedly as this is where the United States (US) started with its national strategy.