There have been a great many valuable responses to, and criticisms of, the volume of essays produced introducing a Radically Orthodox theology. Radical Orthodoxy is a hermeneutic disposition and a style of metaphysical vision. However, it would be a case of very extreme nostalgia if one were to dismiss these past traditions as part of an irrecoverable forward flow of time. It follows that a radically orthodox perspective sees time not as something to be lamented by means of the instruments of nostalgia, but rather as the very condition of possibility per se. If the quality of reality perceived through the other transcendentals is always mediated by the refractions of beauty, then it seems that everything claimed to know is by definition crossed-out by the fact that, although these beautiful proportions pertain, one cannot ever assess them as it were from a neutral measurable distance. To say that intellection is a borrowed power might seem to downgrade the mind.