Since the Baumeisterhaus was a historie al building, the town forwarded Gerlinger's request to the BLD. Noting the building's great historieal value, the BLD recommended denying the plan. 'If continued in this manner,' the BLD wrote of the proposal, 'that economie concerns are always inconsiderately given preference over aesthetic values, then one does not have to wonder, when one day Rothenburg's prominent position among German cities ceases to exist.' The V AR also recommended denying Gerlinger's request. It also turned out that Gerlinger's photo, taken from the picture book Große Bürgerbauten deutscher Vergangenheit, had been altered for publication. The photo showed all four windows extended down ward equally, but only the two windows on the left had actually been altered. The right windows had remained in their original size, while the V AR later helped restore the two left windows. The publishers apparently did not like the two uneven sets of windows, so they altered the photo. The town council denied the request declaring 'the Baumeisterhaus with its rieh fa~ade must remain unspoiled in its exterior under all circumstances. ,4 There was no discussion about the importance of preserving the building's interior.