Grouping together individual skills to form a composite outcome gives that extra 'secret ingredient'. This chapter considers triangular integration and how individuals work productively with each other. Co-operation is a progressive step beyond assertion. The chapter discusses two concerns regarding potential teamwork: the manager and the development support function (DSF). Each individual is empowered to consider their own strengths and shortfalls, as well as potential development strategies and work related priorities; this will usually increase the motivation level. It helps the trainer to consider individual strengths and shortfalls – and particularly the shortfalls which the individual may find it difficult to improve to any marked extent – within the context of the holistic team concept. Eliminating hidden agendas and getting people to read off the same route map are two key issues which the trainer must address positively for personal and team development to be allowed to progress. Various techniques are applied to planning individual continuing professional development (CPD) strategies.