This chapter deals with the premise that limits on that tolerance are implicit within the design itself. Nation-states do not exist to promote diversity; on the contrary, their role is to streamline, make homogeneous, organise people to be uniform in some sense, in order that their societies may compete, survive and develop within the system. Karl Renner was a leading Austro-Marxist theoretician who, in 1902, had proposed a remedy for the intensifying nationality conflicts in the sprawling, multi-ethnic dual monarchy. Renner's solution lay in the separation of 'nationality' from 'citizenship', an idea that was not itself new but rather expounded in a novel way. The group Ihud (Unity) was founded in Palestine in 1942. Its leading lights and guiding spirits were two internationally renowned figures, Martin Buber and Judah Magnes, and it was they who presented the Ihud case to an international body, the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, when they considered the future of Palestine in 1946.