The world's biggest country, based on one of the world's oldest civilizations, soon also with the world's biggest economy, is having a serious look at peace studies. 'Another word for peace is equality' gives to peace a progressive connotation and explains why it is so often resisted on the right, including resisting peace studies. Art critics are important 'human behaviour critics', an important activity serving as a guide to good art and literature for artists and users. Critical peace studies do the same for politicians and people. Peace studies should be able to deliver the same, at the same level of adequacy, through conflict transformation, peace-building, peacekeeping, reconciliation to mention some approaches. In the multi-disciplinary stage a university, or a conference, invites specialists from several disciplines to contribute to peace studies from their angle. Peace studies in Europe, a very belligerent and aggressive continent emerge mainly outside the big powers' capitals and 'universities of excellence', which study 'security'.