Day’s epitaph, in Little Bradley church in Suffolk, makes clear the fact that John Day was, and indeed still is, remembered as a godly man who printed John Foxe’s seminal martyrology, the Acts and Monuments:

Heere lies the Daye that darkness could not blynd when popish fogges had ouer cast the sunne Thus Daye the cruell night did leaue behynd To view and shew what bloudi Actes were donne he set a FOX to wright how Martyrs runne By death to lyfe. FOX venturd paynes & health To giue them light DAYE spent in print his wealth But GOD with gayne retornd his wealth agayne And gaue to him as he gaue to the poore. Tow wyuves he had pertakers of his payne Each wyfe twelue babes and each of them the more Als was the last encreaser, of his stoore. who mourning long for being left alone. set upp this toombe her self turnd to a Stone.1