The following chapters give specific examples of new style environments for different types of organizations. Many of the case studies concern large, wealthy, global companies, and readers working in smaller businesses may feel that our focus on the problems of such organizations has little relevance to their situation, trapped as they may be in inflexible buildings with little spare cash to indulge in the green field architectural grandiloquence of major corporations. But they should be encouraged by the knowledge that there is an almost geometric progression of difficulty related to organizational scale when it comes to solving some of the key problems of management change, and smaller companies with smaller budgets have by definition smaller-scale problems and fewer obstacles in their programme of change. Indeed, mimicking smaller scale can be the starting-point for resolving the problems of larger organizations. Many of the large, characterless mid-twentiethcentury office towers of big companies can be the most intractable to adapt to free-

form modern offices, and smaller, older buildings can be particularly well-suited to some types of adaptation.