This chapter presents and evaluates the existing criminological contributions to the research field. An evaluation of the current academic contribution to our understanding of crime and deviance committed by and upon Muslims illustrates the present scarcity of meaningful criminological studies in this field. Such scarcity prompts the researcher to evaluate relevant sources attainable by adopting an interdisciplinary approach and briefly highlighting the usefulness of accounts from an anthropological, ethnographic or journalistic perspective. The final part of this chapter evaluates the current position and qualities of the discipline of criminology in Pakistan, emphasizing the strengths and limitations to the few studies available. Principal Studies Very few meaningful studies of offending by South Asians in Britain exist today. This applies to studies of all ethnic groups of South Asian racial origin. Therefore any criminologist preparing to investigate the dynamics of law, crime, deviance and victimization, pertaining to Muslims in particular, would be hard-pressed to locate valuable contributions.