This chapter describes the scope of the International Migrants Bill of Rights (IMBR) by clarifying that the IMBR applies to the entire process of migration. The IMBR and accompanying commentary, handbook, and indicators are products of an ongoing collaboration of an international network of students and scholars. The materials draw significantly from draft IMBR published by Georgetown Immigration Law Journal in spring of 2010, and reflect work of partnership between Georgetown University Law Center. The IMBR and commentary suggest a dynamic blueprint for identifying various types of migration in changing, global world. The chapter highlights the non-discrimination principle and provides a universal floor by guaranteeing primary and secondary education for children on basis of equality of treatment with nationals. Because linguistic barriers can further disadvantage migrants and their children, the IMBR incorporates the right to preschool education from International Convention on the Protection of Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (ICRMW).