In Christian worship, the object of remembrance is the God who is revealed in Jesus Christ and known through the power of the Holy Spirit. To remember God is to recall the nature of God’s being. In diagram form one idea or description about God is, through memory, linked with a circle of associated words or phrases. As Christians we affirm that Christ has put a human face and a human heart to the mystical concept of God. To speak of God as ‘Affirmer’ allows the worshipper to experience the activity of God in listening, forgiving, reshaping, uniting, comforting and strengthening people so that they live life to the full. Worship became the ‘vessel’ which held the relationship of the worshipper and God, and which allowed the new refreshment of God’s love in context to be tasted and enjoyed. Knowledge of God and God’s activity has to be kept in balance or it becomes dangerously distorted.