I drew upon the example of the corridor because of the extent to which it appeared to illustrate the model of the liminal phase for which I have been arguing. As we have already observed, there are two main models of the Rite of Passage. Victor Turner’s model – developed drawing upon his fieldwork in Zambia – has become known as the Communitas Model. He argues that during the Rite of Passage social differences between neophytes are broken down and a sense of togetherness is fostered in a phenomenon that he terms communitas. However in examining the variously liminal phase of pilgrimage Eade and Sallnow criticise this model and argue that there is evidence of Contestation; of some pilgrims deliberately marking themselves out as different from each other and even exaggerating social differences. As such pilgrimage involves a complex series of different responses and this calls into doubt Turner’s assessment of pilgrimage as an example of communitas.