Mary Carleton, commonly known as the German Princess, was a scandalous celebrity in Restoration London. Her notoriety arose from her 1663 trial and acquittal for bigamy, which became the occasion of the publication of The Case of Madam Mary Carleton. Here she narrates her version of her life as a 'German Princess', the daughter of the Earl of Cologne, though by most accounts she was born Mary Moders, the daughter of a Canterbury fiddler who married first a Canterbury shoemaker, Thomas Steadman, and then a surgeon, Thomas Day. Within her own time, Carleton was the subject of more than twenty-six pamphlets published in 1663 and 1673; this volume reprints Carleton's own The Case of Madam Mary Carleton along with representative selections of pamphlets written about her. Her trial produced its own 'pamphlet war' between Mary and her husband John and her story inspired a play and a mock epic, which significantly responded to Carleton's own emphasis on performance and epic romance in fashioning her aristocratic identity.

chapter |4 pages

1le epiQle of your Rc·

Jlical Glories Iation to this Cro-wn, have moft compafti- to the: difheffed and low of the a[fiifled. For when 1 confidered

chapter |3 pages

The Epijlle U>edicatory.

red refs to be vouchfafed to Your Higbneffes moft andmofl (i)e S er1Mnt , MAE cARLETON,.

chapter |5 pages


chapter |1 pages

To the

the account of which, from the ofmy lifo, l here prey

chapter |6 pages

& F rancis


chapter |1 pages

Carleton 3

chapter 4|2 pages

The of

chapter |1 pages

Mary Carleton. 7

chapter 8|1 pages

The Cafeof affa-

chapter |2 pages

Mary 9

chapter |3 pages

Madam Mary Carleton It will feem and fot-

of thofe, who have

chapter 14|3 pages

The Ca.fl of for one devoted to the

I was it were buried

chapter |8 pages

of 7

chapter |3 pages

Carleton. 5

chapter |1 pages

& F rancis


chapter |2 pages

Carleton 1

chapter |4 pages

Carleton. 29

chapter |3 pages

Mary Carleton. 3 3

chapter 3|1 pages

G The CAfe of

chapter |1 pages

Carletons 37

chapter 46|19 pages

The Cafe of difcovered any incontifrent meannefs therewith it was

it) enjoy, and am happy in

chapter |7 pages

Mary Carleton. 57

chapter C|4 pages


chapter |20 pages


chapter |2 pages

;o Madam Mary Carleton

chapter 7|2 pages

8 Mary Carleton.

chapter |3 pages

Mary Carleton.

chapter |3 pages

of S3

chapter |2 pages

Mary Carleton.

chapter |6 pages

Mary Carleton.

chapter 94|3 pages

Mary Carleton.

chapter |1 pages

Mary Carleton. 91

chapter 8|1 pages

The of

chapter |10 pages

Mary Carleton. 9 9

chapter |10 pages

Mary Carleton.

chapter |2 pages

Mary Carleton. 119

chapter |2 pages

Mary Carleton.

chapter |1 pages

Mary Carleton. 113

chapter 4|1 pages

The of

chapter |2 pages

Mary Carleton. 5

chapter |2 pages

Mary Carleton. 17

chapter |4 pages

Mary Carleton.

chapter |3 pages

Mary Carleton. 13 3

chapter 3|3 pages

Th( of

chapter |3 pages

Mary Carleton. 3 9

chapter |3 pages

& F rancis


chapter |2 pages


chapter |7 pages

_ Ti.f···

chapter |3 pages


chapter |2 pages

& F rancis


chapter |2 pages

Or Certain k.".;.

EPLICAI~ION, Vindicatory Depofinons, ·-----------------

chapter |4 pages

Cicero was wont to fay;)

He doth not love his fccond felf rio-htl y, that loves the

chapter |2 pages

( 7) .

chapter |5 pages

& F rancis


chapter |16 pages

A wjti) Comtat

chapter |9 pages


chapter |10 pages


chapter |4 pages

& F rancis


chapter |3 pages

To his good Priend

Upon his Princeft. N Storie.r ttlld Stories oltl, bave been told: fings the F of Cleopatra, Caffandra, or atra

chapter |2 pages


thy Ri111iu, To fatisftetbe lmgillg '&oltfbttllli.e- l'ifdup witb.,.W.tlcJ)POmj·; · · · · Andf ~ ofPrin&e[:r, Htll'p fing, · Plaid hy Ap-Ri.fe GIIt flriRg, Britijh Ba'l:lr; 111.Jfolf-hliDg·ohe · That ft1afl uf t'rilicefs And now I tbanltth.J pai•fnl Peu . For bringing Princif.r illw Kt11. Butwhen to ih e Author. · Of pf . . . _ . ·

chapter |1 pages

T.o my .worihyFrkn4 the Abthor upon his

QNce·4 great W orli.:mMI hy bis cuntiiiJg Art -Did (bape an Image'libj t' his hNrt, Had not Dame · In wa/Qng it a woman to bis rvi1l. . '

chapter |16 pages

·y C GE.T 0IX

oa,· · The PfinceJ$ reduQ:d to an Engliih Habit.· . · every one bath verdiarpeot· the Gate•boHfopent; And Scriveners; Boy ·( prctcn.diiig Tei1ipla_r) A Boo/t ·writ very. .· . . - Which he doth ftilc And Folly to · · · ·

chapter |2 pages

YetcingetorixLJ. 17

And in refp ea CJ•fhigh·bom Linage, · And fortunes fatir befides within age, Adjure1te did tbe Youth with fear To forbear handling Ladies Gear : But being refolv' d in Pate fo addle

chapter |2 pages


to tConfirm the truth Of my believe, conceive: me, Youth, admit With her to pl.lty at Game* Tfeytrip, Trli her great Riches do cmue over,

chapter |1 pages


*Or a did fwear, That heart fioat body he would tear Of bim that durfi crack Nnt; Or dare with to go ro Rut :

chapter |2 pages

f!Criingetorixtt...J. For by my flaming Sword of Steel,

This Brave fiull Doughty Metde feel: Lackey-Boy go call a Coach, Knuve on Spit do broach. The Coac·h being come, & Boot put down. And Lackey P1i·ncl.fs Gown,

chapter 2|5 pages


That marry' d they fhoold be in Chnrch, And Jie no more like DogS' at_LHrch. As Loyal-fufrring Cava leers Were logg'd about like Pigs by th, ears, By people then,_ and yet call'd Saints,

chapter |4 pages

·\ t

· · · He put on ·- Yet · ·l'u.,bi• Or like aJ-JortC· that:'& 11ewly · ·c•• He had got Steerage her;ll-uther ·; · And now.: that maugre· aH her flicnds,, Of P w-eUdtefront· . To City-:Rout; 1;.: .

chapter i|1 pages


· · · The ', (tT Did humbly.:cnivehis Lordffiipfiraigb't

chapter |6 pages

Next day th a -Gowa

chapter |6 pages


to dwe)j. · · to •. The noife of. ·refir.aint,

chapter |1 pages

& F rancis


chapter |1 pages

~ ~ ~


chapter |3 pages


htmfeif ' · · b.

chapter |1 pages

(3) known·; and her l\1aiden name

chapter |1 pages

(4) it muft

oft hat

chapter |2 pages

· _into the I.ow Con trey's (obliged

a Gentlewoman, who dcfigned a Vo y·

chapter |3 pages


chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages

(11) of his Civility, becaufe the

chapter |1 pages

(11) Letters were perus 'd by the

chapter |2 pages

(13) of too groveling ·and

chapter |1 pages

(15) of but it not

chapter |2 pages


chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages

. (21) to look

of and the large·

chapter |1 pages

or carting an

chapter |1 pages

. (23)

chapter |1 pages

the. vafrnefs of his Revenue; the

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages


that of greater

chapter |1 pages

(28) .tinued fo frill, but that the Executi01-

of her own,.

chapter |1 pages

appeared in this cf rately and

chapter |1 pages

(30) tween a young

chapter |1 pages

(31) of his Experience

chapter |1 pages

(32) and the-n run aWdJ front

the fame Woman 1 mea1z, foe Lang1tages fluent- ly, and httth. very .higb Brettft..r, lt mlsfortufie of this

chapter |1 pages

(33) contempt

chapter |1 pages

(34) ple?) difrob,d her, deprivDd her of

of a of a worfe Tragedie :

chapter |1 pages

(35). ignorant

qf his place, and the re•

chapter |1 pages


chapter |2 pages


of their Poor thing:!

chapter |1 pages

(39) ·READER,

Shall not give my felf the . trouble to rec<.ll.letl: and de- clare the feveral Motives ·and Inducements that deceitful, but wife enough, wotnan ufcd to deceive me with, &c. 1-Ier

chapter |1 pages

(40) companies , fearing the

tneanor was fuch, tl1a t lhe left only in my opinion, hut alfo in o both :and wifee true the Contents here-

chapter |1 pages

(41) and fends her a Letter to kifs of them at it you fafely f\vear that

her hands by proxie, becaufe he would not come thither to· do in perfon. And this, it feems, was all the Atnorous paper that preferve , the refi be-

chapter |1 pages

Dear Heart,

chapter |1 pages

(43) ttnd Vindication. I foaU. 'llery in a condition fur-

JPeedily be according to your defire. I hope him be afJured hefoall in your affe- of her Hufbands

chapter |1 pages

(45) of did dayty

chapter |1 pages

(47) veyme

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages

(52) to the and Laws of a Huf-

at large an abfolute Ubiquitarian,

chapter |1 pages


chapter |2 pages


of A ire

chapter |1 pages

·:(;·6) Jil. It brtalths nothing hut "ter.'

and all that is-Man horrid apprebenfion. of' Yet metbought the Profcription ·dref'dfltl to me that thif /litter potion was tbe con deration example ofma.ny perjons wbo [ante matc'!J/tfs patier-zce

chapter |1 pages

(S7) rity. An·d i.r not t·his far hetter away one's daye.r, t.!Je·:witty,thougb .wealt Roman

de Trifiibus ? C.ertainly 'tis act a1zd greater commendatio1z. to the but ftrangely , and defpi{ed ·ler. Yet tbi1 clid not fo nzuciJ dejeci but that/ fled to my ol4 . AfyJum,

chapter |1 pages

(sa) Afylutn_, ihe· nettJe, failing· Ke-fuge of Tongue and

Wit , and fo had both Lodging better' d and my Com- mdnr·amtnded·. For then I fu.r.nifbed with • [patious and commodiom Cabbin fit for tbe.

chapter |1 pages

(S9) it eccho'din·-

remoteft part.(_ drew a confluence ple to ·tny Habitafion.: lwM aflonifoed at.firfl when I quaintance , I did there ; hut [oott over when I con- fidered the caufe, and found my [elf alfo them. l hejlow a little ad'lliCe upon you all in general, from the higbeft loweft,that ever had

chapter |1 pages

(66) names or title.t foever they are iliftiiz.guijbed hy the Canting Crew : for;· I am refolved to tell a piece of my mind, which I

will lay up in yost1·/Jeart and ta/(e into your more ferit?us confide ration, .whe1z the weighty •fford you a Retirenrent.

chapter |1 pages

(61) off to p·revezzt tbe abfolute dejlrHa

ofthe wbole fo feverely dealt witiJ tbougbt1 : \ Some of;ou ntay be contpared to It/cera- ted parts, or wen.r,and

chapter |1 pages

·.ft/.i.ve all,4ay•

how to My _lihtriy My .qffeG/i· .,f4n .-is as. diwert- ;:and rmy·f.are changeable

chapter |1 pages

(t5,); ))f 1 can tri-

fle away more in my you it pre• · fent my dutie·to.nij·Lora, and. fornt·bim a frincefs i.r more a.forreign, ·than her o.wn\ Cou1ztrie, atzd I live notP ·than l··r!td

chapter |1 pages

(64) , ·t h·e of all our .·former

roguijb Cre'(l' litie, or Sex[Dever. I WtJuld de- I fear will be li"' wafoing the Black..· bead, 4ndf o tolz{e']ltent-

chapter |2 pages

.(65.) tbefe


chapter |1 pages

(68) to be

chapter |1 pages

(69) where it

chapter |1 pages

(70) becaufe (be came from her

chapter |2 pages

through· it into the.

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages


of the .Clock,

chapter |1 pages

(75) if would

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages

(79) long to come to '*

chapter |1 pages


to her

chapter |1 pages


of his

chapter |1 pages

(Sa) at her fi:range carriage, and

of her if

chapter |1 pages

. (83) bo to put a trick

of Wife, nor. did of be

chapter |1 pages


of the Watch·

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages

: (a6)

chapter |2 pages


of them and departed, and if all were

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages


of the

chapter |2 pages


pf the Thieves;

chapter |1 pages

(93) fuddain a·nd fpeedy returil.

chapter |1 pages

. . (94) .

of t1cf, was found guilty by the·

chapter |1 pages

(95) . (a perfeCt Trick) and

chapter |1 pages

VeportJ»f!l' and .Carriage

Mary Ca.rleton, alias the Ger- man frinceft, immediately be• at her her /aft Speech aJ Tyburn, he ing the 22. ofJ anuary,

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages

t of

vijt her,

chapter |1 pages

(9;9) you

of Parties, or Sects

chapter |1 pages

(too) perfoni In their wits ( frupifi

of outward man) that God

chapter |2 pages

(101) of thing call$

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages

{1o4) now fo

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages

(107) to

chapter |1 pages

(toS) of thofe that were pre-

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages


of her and

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages


chapter |3 pages


of the

chapter |1 pages

· ton will 1ne-a Prefident

Heightb and Mifery in abu11dance, and all people beware pany. Tbe World hath condemned , and I have 1nucb to anfwer• .

chapter |1 pages

(irS) to ac

chapter |1 pages


chapter |3 pages

(120) from. trampling

chapter |1 pages

publifited this Term, The Mercury-Gal-