When the Estates met in Blois beginning in October, they were thoroughly dominated by the Catholic League. The duc de Guise himself, having established League control not only of Champagne but of north and eastern France in general, set his sights on the principality of Sedan. In the hands of the Huguenots the principality of Sedan threatened communications along the Meuse, and particularly between Lorraine and Champagne. In Mezieres the years between 1585 and 1589 were dominated by two central features. The first was the ongoing feuding between the city council and governor la Vieuville. Although, la Vieuville had been successful in re-acquiring the position, it was abundantly clear that suspicions between the governor and the council had not abated. The second major item of concern in Mezieres was the threat posed by the presence of a Huguenot stronghold in nearby Sedan.