(to)/ Thtterith day of my fafl therecame tm Fryars, the Ch^tlUrx t&ejmati with tlvc black, R°d\ and a Phjfician, and, die Keeper, 6,od$c FryAr Bortraahdcd fay dear Friend to go out of th* room, and Jx> cnjie< and pull’d my hand out of'’the bed, and Iflid, Is the pevilfo great in you, that you cannot freaky? I faid, De> part from me thou worker of iniquity, I know thee not; the Pq. wcr of the Lord is upon me, and thou call'd him Devil. He took hi* Crucifix to flrikc me in the mouth; and I f&id, Look her c/and ■ 1 asked him, Whether it were that Crofs which crucified Paulto, the World, and the World unto him i And he faid, if vat, I dp. nied him, and faid, the Lord had made me a Witneft for himfcif againft all workers of iniquity. He bid me be obedient fZndwtat to ' ftrike me: I faid, Wilt thou ftrike me t He faid, he would. I faid, Thou art out of i,heApoftlc* Do&rinc, they were noflrikerHl . deny thee to be any of them who went in the Name 0/ the Lord* He laid, be hitd brought me a Phyjtcian in charity, 1 faid , the Lotd was my Phyfician, and my faving-health. He laid I jhould be whip, and quartered,and burnt that night in Afalta,and my Mate tooiwherefore did we come to teach them? I told him I did not fear, the Lord was on our fide, and he had-no power but what he had received; and if he did notufe it to the fame edd the Lord gave it him, the . Lord would judge him,. And they were all fmitten as deadfden/ and went away. . And as foon as they were gope, the Lord faid unto me, Kilt