# ' btingiw.M; fi,ui things, nnd laid them doton By «*; fo that ScrljH. turc wt witr cffttl fulfilled,0/»r Enrm'ts treated u* kindly in aJhatijp Land, faid I. But we were afraid to eat, and cryed to thf Lord, and faid, We had rather dye, than eat any thing that it polluted ’ and unclean. The Lord faid unto me, 7 houtmtjtfl as freely eat i f th'jii h.uljl ivrsHfht for it with thy hands ; / wiltfaxttifie it tothei th^ flll^ l) tljC CTrofS. And he faid to S#rah, 'I Ijoh f ait (At thtjrmt aj thy hands, and be'b/efed, We did cat and were rcfreflud , to tbe praile and glory of our God for ever. We did eat but little in two Montbfj and they diet bring ui what ever we did fpeak for, for 8, or io. daycs; and afterward we were foflraitned for want of tpod, it did u$ more hurt than our Fad. Yet the Lord did work as ,grea{ frMii'Vele by bar prefervstion, ns be did by railing L#a* iw out of tbe Gravel The Fryarsdid fay, the Lord didkeep nsaUvt