IN the i t Year of mjf A^ji the ^ w aipleafed to take-away my; d e a f; my Pat^ms were Very dear arid te n d e r *Of

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tae and did not leave rne without in. ftru^ion*,of the thingsof God*, Ac that time the Lord was pleafed to carry out ray heart

't© thing* I then krew not. For as fooa as my Parents bad taught jne thcrt *ai * I rad ah aWi dpon my Wart concerning him, I could then reafon with my heart and laid, tin Lord mail for, a»4 bt m'ldt we to fervt’. him, and I mull do it; fo being young, the lord •Was pleafed in the freenefsof fcis. Grace ♦ to kindle inmyhtartfome fm*fl{p*rk* of aflfcdi6n» tohinsjfel^ l.rtroemberonatiroe a little Broth#? orpine wssfidc in i ray Mother be* ing y*ry tender of her Child, one Lords day would fioc go to Church,- which ckafed me 3 Mo tvftay a? home,'but - wanting employ-©entj'pptof my Meth*r$ fight went to. work jt&out i i s babiesv«t;Tiigfet the Lord u&* plea' fcdto. $ake a w ^ rh e Child I {landing by the Ccaqte* which fcrougbt a ffear upon mi pre* ^ t t y t f j i i t i had been ‘the. cau fe ,. by ray WorHipg tbit day, of the Lords anger in ta-

away naF bratber. • V. Ja*f° jfianeaber that I Went out and .wept litterfy, id the eonfiderat jon of my day s work, but never let my frieod* knew it, I was much jr9pW<;d^it,!buthepe4;Nch was , the ;jg* tioragc* of jnj? hejtft that alt would; -be weil

.jjjfaiA.l^r my:pra^ijtj^ a'nd goin^ to Church, *' " ............ .. * - • ^ * whichI * I I* 1

^TheTenCotBnia’ndmientswss muth np»>> w ;if^rtnaki'ngth3t rny only rule to walk ,bj(, and wirs earn eft with'tha Lord chat ’'bj?' ■wrtuld htlp me to the.diily ofcftryin'g :|n d falfiiling oftlitift'forJ then knew th^re-. rii'ofl be a greater' power "thtn my own to irtal>!£ me to .fhe pitformanee bi it, aifo my Barents tuighc !me i* t»/Cmcbifmwhat wtim y ‘ towards God and tovv^rds toy NaighbonrjCf by my tontiniiaj laying ot tfiwn the Lord wa* pleated to *ork them\u£on jny ‘ fpirit , and iflto my afffdioris’.iJrTd then in ‘ utercyVto take notice ot me in the freeoefs:oFhis !5racet ; and render mercy to own me in the Lord .