, : ( p ) . ' . *bftcojiiti>and£ir&nr$ are-iist grieyons • ■but ■ de1ight(ut Q^ tbe Soul that loves .tliee f anil jyliac isxhy Cem.n&aDdcfflenc dear-.Lord t iJs ' ■fs.mj CimmMcleTptnt (apdit-is a xt** C otk72Andtment) ih!it you<ihould love one ano* ' ther my Comnkndemehtsare riot grievous jrifoiily+ovietbiti*ifequired, and that you feonld.inanifift irjnobedieate to my com* mands;sone f it \ybich-ji that you lovtont a«or ther.ibut bow dear,.Lord fliall tve /manifeft onr jove-to thee jn loving one another, hosV ball thou required that ,we ftioiild kxve one aflqtber, havc not I fei.you an example... .•«? . -Did not .Ifrft love you ? and therefore give ‘