The $acram«nt of the Lords Supper had • beene about this time omitted for necr halfea yeaie,fure I am it was very long, I enquired of fome thereafon thereof, who told me becaufe / could not fit downe 'With. Matter Stoneham’s mintftry, whereupon I went to Matter Stoniham to krtow the reafon why the Sacrament was kept from us,at the firft he gave me no anfweri but when I was earneft with him to give me fa* tisfa&ion,he faid,that he did not know what ufe I would make of it: I then told him,hee looked upon me as under a temptation, when I was in an ordinance of Jefus Chrift* but I had caufe to feare that he was under a temptation, in negle* ding fuch an ordinance ofJefusChrift,which he had a command often to make ufe of * arid then intreated him that if he thoqght me unworthy to partake of it, that I oncly might be kcpt ofr, that the ordinance might not ( upon that accoutit)be jaid afide: to this he replied, that the prayers they had put up, would bearifwered, ■which was all the fatisfo&ion I could get from him at that time: A weeke after I prefTed him againe for the Sacrament, he then told me, that if I wouid not fit downe under his miniftry he would be no officer U n t o mee, and for. a dofe told mee ^ there was onC who had, fome-: whatagainft mee: whereupon the fameday!ly went to Mafter Stucley to know what it was; that fomc body had again# mcc,what cbc evill